Hire a Virtual Supervisor

You submitted the first phase of your writing to your supervisor over five times, and he/she keep making corrections. You don’t know what you have done wrong, and you do not know what you need to do right for your supervisor to let you go to the next chapter. 

If this is you or you are facing something like this, have no fear; it is just a sign that you should get yourself a virtual supervisor. We have members of staff that can serve as virtual supervisors and help you in ways your supervisor might not want to.

Who is our Virtual Supervisor meant for?

This is for book authors, bloggers, students, and employees.
Anyone who has a paper to write or has previously completed a task but needs an expert to check over it and guide them on what they need to know about the paper.

Or for anyone who wants to handle their own writing or research report but needs a guide to produce the best and desired results? You will be assigned a virtual supervisor who will guide you along the process.
This is an opportunity to hone your writing talents and get the attention you need to fuel your writing passion.

Why you need a Virtual Supervisor

Error-Free Report

While virtually supervising you, we give you free Turnitin Check as well as Grammarly Report to guide you on areas needing attention in your writing.

Extra Supervisor

If your supervisor is too busy to direct you on what you need to do, we are here for you. We are never too busy as it is our business to see you succeed.

School Guidelines

Where the school guideline or instruction is not clear enough, we can guide you on what is expected, which can help you avoid unnecessary multiple submissions and streamline the writing process


We will serve as your editor/proofreader. This means that your work will receive the needed expert touch before submission. This is value you should go for!

Learning while Doing

Instead of wasting time on tutorials that are irrelevant to your writing situation, you can simply learn by doing it yourself with guidance.

Intensive 1 on 1 Guide

A dedicated staff who will direct you either as a tutor on a given part of your work or take you by the hand throughout your research process.

We can virtually supervise any form of writing ranging from Research proposal, undergraduate research project, thesis, dissertation, assignment, essay, to other forms of writing to ensure your work comes out in its best quality.

A virtual supervisor is someone who leads, supervises, and maintains you as your project, proposal, or another document is written, without necessarily having a physical contact. 

You are expected to make 100% payment before you are assigned a Virtual Supervisor.

You will let us know the reason and another supervisor might be assigned to you.

No. The Virtual Supervisor only serves as a mirror. He/she can point out the errors and directions/guide on fixing them.

As long as the Virtual Supervision last (Based on the subscription)

Please refer to our Terms of service and Privacy Policy page

Looking for a Virtual Supervisor to guide you on that writing process?