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  • Post last modified:August 18, 2023
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Writing a research paper summary can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. When summarizing a research paper in its entirety, take notes on the key points and then craft a summary of the main findings in a succinct and meaningful way. It’s a skill that takes time and practice to perfect, but with the right guidance, you can learn how to write a research paper summary that effectively conveys the paper’s key points. This beginners’ guide provides an overview of the summary-writing process, from reading and highlighting the key points to writing and revising the summary. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to crafting a comprehensive summary that captures the essence of the paper and clearly communicates its main points.

Steps to Writing a Research Paper Summary

When writing a summary of a research paper, it’s helpful to follow the same steps the author used to write the paper in the first place. This will ensure that your summary is comprehensive and effectively communicates the paper’s key points. These steps include:

  • Read the paper – Before you can write a summary, you’ll first need to read the paper. Read the paper in its entirety, taking notes on the key points and passages that seem relevant to your summary. This will help you to understand the paper’s key concepts, understand how they relate to each other, and make note of facts, figures, and other important points.
  • Highlight key points – Once you’ve read the paper, use highlighters to mark the key points that you want to include in your summary. Mark key facts, data points, and research conclusions, as well as passages that provide background information.
  • Outline the main points – You can utilize the elements you’ve highlighted in the paper to build a framework for your summary. Create an outline that includes the introduction, major body, and conclusion of the paper using the key points.
  • Write the summary – Write your summary by summarizing the main points of the paper. Begin with an introduction, in which you introduce the paper’s topic and discuss its main points. Then, write a summary of the paper’s introduction, followed by a summary of each of the body paragraphs. End with a conclusion that summarizes the paper’s key points and reiterates your introduction. You can use your highlighted notes and outline to guide you as you write the summary.
  • Revise the summary – Before you submit your summary, take a final look at it to check for mistakes and make any revisions necessary. If you find errors, correct them; if you feel your summary doesn’t effectively communicate the paper’s key points, rewrite it until it does.

Tips for Summarizing Research Papers

As you practice summarizing research papers, you’ll develop a greater understanding of the process. With these tips, you can get better at writing summaries and making sure you get the main points across.

  • Practice reading and summarizing research papers. Reading and summarizing papers will help you get better at summarizing and improving your reading comprehension.
  • Start with shorter papers, and then move on to longer papers as you become more confident summarizing research papers.
  • Take notes on important points as you read the paper, and then use these notes to write your summary.
  • Outline the paper’s main points and then write the summary. This will help you organize the paper’s main points and create a framework for your summary.
  • Revise the summary. Once you’ve written your summary, you can use it as a guide to re-read the paper. This will help you avoid missing any key points in the paper.


Writing a research paper can be challenging, especially for a beginner. But if you follow these few steps, it will be easy to summarize a research paper and get your pints across. With practice, you can hone your summarizing skills and become more confident in your ability to summarize papers. And with these tips, you can learn how to write a research paper summary that effectively explains the paper’s main ideas.

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