
Research plays a crucial role in the academic world, serving as the foundation for discoveries and knowledge. However, the process of finding relevant and reliable information can be challenging and time-consuming for researchers. Fortunately, advancements in artificial intelligence have given rise to powerful tools, which led to the development of an AI-based tool called KEENIOUS. Keenious is an AI-powered search engine designed to enhance the research experience of both students and researchers. In this article, we will delve into how to effectively use Keenious for academic purposes and maximise the benefits of its intelligent search capabilities.

Understanding Keenious

The introduction of AI technology paved the way for ground-breaking advances in various fields. Keenious examines documents, comprehends their content, and compares them to other scientific journals to ensure that the most relevant research papers and subjects are provided.

Keenious uses machine learning algorithms to search and analyze massive amounts of data intelligently.  Keenious increases the quality and relevancy of search results by employing powerful artificial intelligence, allowing researchers to locate the most relevant information more effectively. Its user-friendly design and customizable choices make it an invaluable resource for academics looking to expedite their research.

Navigating Keenious

To get the most out of Keenious, sign up on their website, keenious(dot)com. The homepage will be displayed after creating your user profile. You may begin your search by using text, URL, or PDF. When searching for text, Keenious does not have a word count restriction.

Keenious Search Tools

Let’s take some time to explore and see how fantastic Keenious search tools can be for powering your study.


Keenious displays related articles once you input your pdf file; you can then use the subject search tool to refine your search and extend your selections. You may also input old papers that are not allowed for your research and similar articles will be provided.

Keenious Similar Article Tools


Following your search, Keenious displays related articles on the left; clicking “TOPICS” on the right simplifies your search by displaying relevant topics, and when you see “primary” beside any result, it means they directly relate to your search.

When you click on any article under “TOPICS”, a brief overview and more relevant journals about the new topic are displayed.


By clicking the filter button as seen in the image, you may include or omit a topic from your search. Keenious will remove or add the subject automatically. Keenious has a multifilter option. As seen in the image, this improves your search results based on your requirements.



To use the explore search tool, highlight a copied text or the text you wish to search in the pdf you uploaded, then click the “explore” button. To enhance the result, click “topics” underneath “explore” and repeat the steps described earlier under TOPICS.

Keenious explore option


Following your search, click the filter option. You may then select to filter by keyword by entering any term to be included as shown with the arrow in the picture, or you can exclude any keyword by putting “-” behind the word as shown; “-Business”.

Keenious FIlter by kwyword option

Keenious allows you to search for research journals within a particular date range, which helps to find the most recent research papers for your research. After obtaining similar articles from an old publication, as previously said, filtering by date will assist to get the most recent relevant article from an old journal.

Filtering by citation count allows you to view how many times a journal has been cited; this is useful for scholars who prefer it over the least cited journals.

Why Use Keenious

Using Keenious for academic research offers numerous benefits that go beyond those of a regular search engine. Let’s explore some of the advantages of incorporating Keenious into your academic life.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Keenious utilises artificial intelligence algorithms to quickly gather, analyze, and present information, saving valuable time for researchers. It has the ability to provide real-time updates on new developments and research in a particular field with improved search accuracy and precision that Keenious offers, leading to more reliable results.
  • Comprehensive Data Analysis: Keenious employs natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand the context and nuances of search queries. It has the capability to categorise and extract key information from diverse sources, including scholarly articles, journals, websites, and more.
  •  Keenious Cross-language Recommendation Feature: Language barriers can often limit access to valuable information. However, Keenious has addressed this challenge by implementing a seamless cross-language recommendation system.This  feature ensures that researchers receive relevant research articles regardless of the language used in their document. When uploading a document to Keenious, the system automatically detects the language employed This intelligent analysis allows researchers to access a broader range of scholarly content, breaking down language barriers and expanding the pool of available resources.
  • Inspiration and Ideas for Essays: One of the primary reasons users choose Keenious is its ability to provide inspiration and ideas when starting an essay. Keenious goes beyond traditional search engines by offering a unique experience tailored to the needs of researchers. By accessing a diverse range of research articles and topics, Keenious sparks creativity and aids in the brainstorming process, helping researchers find compelling angles for their essays.
  • In-depth Research: Keenious empowers researchers to conduct comprehensive  research. By leveraging its AI-powered recommendation engine and analysing millions of scientific publications, Keenious ensures that users access the most relevant and up-to-date research articles and topics. This comprehensive approach allows researchers to gain a thorough understanding of their subject matter and stay at the forefront of their field.
  • Time and Effort Efficiency: Efficiency is a crucial aspect of academic research. With its advanced search features and intuitive interface, Keenious helps users save time and effort. Researchers can streamline their search queries, apply filters, and navigate the platform effortlessly, enabling them to focus on their research.
  • Customized Results: Keenious understands that each researcher’s needs are unique. To address this, the search engine provides a range of cutting-edge tools and features that allow users to customize their search results. Some notable features include advanced filtering options, Highlight Search, Topics and Bookmark. These features help researchers fine-tune their search queries to align with their specific requirements, enhancing the relevance and precision of the results obtained.
  • Stay Informed and Up-to-Date: Academic research is a dynamic field, and staying informed about the latest developments is crucial. Keenious helps researchers stay up-to-date by providing real-time updates and highlighting emerging trends in their respective fields.
  • Relevant Research Recommendations: Keenious utilises powerful artificial intelligence algorithms to recommend relevant research papers. By analyaing users’ documents, Keenious suggests research papers that align with their work. It can be easily integrated as a sidebar in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, allowing users to access relevant research recommendations without disrupting their workflow



In conclusion, Keenious provides researchers with numerous benefits that surpass those of regular search engines and it offers significant advantages for researchers in their academic pursuits. With its enhanced efficiency, comprehensive data analysis, cross-language recommendation feature, and ability to inspire and aid in essay writing, Keenious offers a unique and valuable research experience. It empowers researchers to conduct in-depth and up-to-date research, while also saving time and effort through its advanced search features. With the ability to filter your search, which aids customizable results and provides real-time updates, Keenious enables people with the keen desire to find knowledge to stay informed, remain at the forefront of their disciplines, and achieve more impactful research outcomes.

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